Treasured guineas remembered.
Morrison 2012 – 20/12/2020 Rest in peace my handsome boy x
Tubs 2011 – 03/02/2020 Rest in peace my beautiful boy Tubster x
Blaze 2013 – 04/05/2019
Nibbles 2013 – 08/05/2019
Trixie 2013 – 03/02/2017
Coffee 2013 – 20/10/2017
Fuzz 06/04/2018
Little Biscuit Pancakes October 2014 – 3rd August 2018. (Below is a little something from the owners)
3rd August 2018 will be remembered as one of the most devastating days of my life; losing my beautiful little Biscuit Pancakes. Even now, I still feel that I did not get long enough with her.
I remember the day I adopted her: 2nd January 2015. She was only around 3-4 months old, and had been placed in Support Adoption for Pets at Pets at Home Longwater with her litter-mate, Harley Quinn. Why? Because they were unwanted. They first caught my eyes as I saw them bounding around their little pen, playing and bumbling around. When my partner Adam and I brought them home and I got to know their inoffensive little personalities, I thought how could anyone not want them?
Biscuit established herself as the alpha of the pair – whilst Harley was shy and suspicious of everyone, Biscuit was bold, confident and curious. The more she got to know us, the more affectionate she became – frequently, whenever I gave her a cuddle, she would always end up bestowing me with guinea pig kisses! She would insist on every visitor to the house greeting her and paying her attention, and wheeked the house down whenever she heard the rustle of a bag. She also learned to recognise the sound of my footsteps, so I would always hear her happy chirping whenever I came up the stairs into our house. In time, I adopted another unwanted pig; neutered boar Jack Sparrow. Biscuit and Harley both warmly welcomed him into the fold, and their personalities continued to grow. They loved their holidays with Ian at the Guinea Pig Hotel, but I’ll never forget the day I went to collect them, and Biscuit practically leaped from Ian’s arms into mine! She really was a big character in such a little body.
I thought I’d have this special little pig in my life for a long time, but unfortunately it wasn’t to be. On that ill-fated day, we had taken her to her regular vet earlier in the afternoon, as she had shown sudden signs of lethargy and not wanting to eat. The vet prescribed critical care, and to bring her back if no improvement the next day. However, later in the evening she took a turn for the worst, and appeared to show signs of neurological distress. We took her to the emergency vet, but she rapidly declined. We both held her, and told her how much we loved her. She closed her little eyes and sadly passed away, on her terms. All I can say is that I’m glad we were with her until the end, and that I’m glad we were the people to rescue her. We’ve made many happy memories, and there’s a huge hole in our hearts. I just know we’re all going to miss her so, so much. Each day without her hurts. Some days hurt more than others, knowing I won’t get to hold her again, or hear her chirping whenever I come home.
I know it wasn’t up to me, but I wasn’t ready to let you go. I know you didn’t want to go either, but unfortunately there was some kind of illness under the surface that none of us could have predicted. I would have done anything in my power to keep you with me. You deserved a long, happy life, and I wish I could have given that to you. I will never, ever forget you. I’m glad that I was with you until the end, but you were pulled away before your time. I still have Harley, Jack and now Ruby Riot under my care, but the house still feels empty without your big character. Guess what I’m trying to say is, this hurt is never going to leave me. You’ve taken a huge piece of my heart with me and I miss you, you little sod. 
Pickles 2013 – 11/03/2019