It is 7:00am in the Little Brother House and Coffee hits the hay hard.

It is 7:36am in the Little Brother House Coffee, trough, drink, bed.

It is 7 20 In The Little Brother House and Coffee wants to know whats up there?

It is 22:14 in the Little Brother House and Coffee Crashes out.

It is 7:22am in the Little Brother House and Blaze is digging his way through the tunnel.

It is 7:56am in the Little Brother House and Blaze is checking who is behind her.

Guinea Pig Hotel is proud to announce Little Brother Live Streaming, Click below to go to page but you need to be a member.

It is 17:30 In the Little Brother House and Nibbles and Blaze are chilling.

It is 18:51 In the Little Brother House.

It is 18:54 in the Little Brother House.

It is 19:00 In the Little Brother house.

It is 6:53 In the Little Brother House and Coffee hits the trough hard.

It is 5:30am in the Little Brother House.

It is 6:04am In the Little Brother House & an average Coffee morning for Coffee.

It is 5:09am In the Little Brother House and Coffee has hit the hay!

It is 5:59am In the Little Brother House and Coffee is hitting the food trough.

It is 7:19 In the Little Brother House and Pickles in the food trough.

It is 7:16 In the Little Brother House and Blaze is eating and keeping Nibbles from sleeping.

It is 6:56am In the Little Brother House and Tubs is having a clean and brush up.

It is 8:33pm in the Little Brother House on the new camera.

Pants and Mouse’s Latest Stay. (thank you to family permission for public to see)

Kevin and Keith’s latest stay SlideShow.

It is 10:13pm in the Little Brother House on the new camera.

It is 10:11pm in the Little Brother House and we see through a new camera.

It is 3:42pm in the Little Brother House and Tubs is all about the place.

It is 3:42 in the Little Brother House and Pickles is picking.

It is 3:42pm in the Little Brother House and Nibbles is nibbling and Blaze is blazing.

It is 10:21pm in the Little House and Tubs is hitting the trough.

It is 3:42pm in the Little Brother House and Coffee is hiding in the hay.

It is 6:27am in the Little Brother House and Pickles needs roughage in his diet.

It is 6:43 In the Little Brother House and Tubs is stuffing himself.

It is 6:26 in the Little Brother House & Blaze is comfort eating.

It is 6:23 in the Little Brother House and Pickles is on a munch hunt.

It is 6:27am in the Little Brother House and Tubs is Chilling.

Millie and Lillies latest stay with us slideshow. (Thank you Millie & Lillie’s family for permission)

It is 10:37pm in the Little Brother House and Pickles is having a night raid on the larder.

It is 6:05pm in the Little Brother House and Tubs is enjoying an evening meal.

It is 8:23 in the Little Brother House & Blaze is sorting Nibbles hair out.

It is 7:15am in the Little Brother House & the girls Blaze and Nibbles are having another chat over breakfast.

It is 7:24am in the Little Brother House & Blaze & Nibble chat over breakfast.

Some moments from Busters latest stay with us slideshow. (Thank you Busters family for permission)

It is 8:54pm in the Little Brother House and Blaze gets the evening munchies.

It is 9:45pm in the Little Brother House and Nibbles is having an evening Munch.

It is 10:01pm in the Little Brother House & Tubs is having a night munch.

It is 11:22am in the Little Brother House and Coffee is restless

It is 11:24am in the Little Brother House and Nibbles is on a diet eating celery talking to Blaze.

It is 11:25 at the Little Brother House and Pickles is having a rummage to see what he can munch.

It is 7:04 in the Little Brother House and Blaze wants to go through the tunnel to bed but Nibbles is blocking her.

It’s 8:41 27-04-2017 in the Little Brother House and Nibbles and Blaze are having a Chat over a log.

It’s 8:32 in the Little Brother House and Tubs is having a rummage.

At 6:51 in the morning at the Little Brother House Nibbles is moving tunnel to check for lost food.

It’s 7:06am in The Little Brother House and the girls Nibbles and Blaze are having a mothers meeting.

It’s 10:47am in the Little Brother House and Pickles is having a hard morning at the office.

It’s 10:59am in the Little Brother House and it’s Girls morning munch.

It’s 9:26am at The Little Brother House and Blaze nibbling her tunnel.

It’s 10:27pm at The Little Brother House and the Girls Nibbles and Blaze are having a night munch.

It’s 9:10am at The Little Brother House and Coffees Not knowing what to eat first!

It’s 4:32pm at The Little Brother House and the Girls Nibbles and Blaze have mild disagreement over a carrot!

It’s 9:25am at The Little Brother House and Coffee finds it’s all too much in the morning.

It’s 5:29pm at The Little Brother House and Nibbles scares the poop out of Blaze.

New arrivals in The Little Brother House Kevin & Keith’s Latest Stay slideshow. With thanks to their family for kind permission.