Dougie and Buddy Fudge and Charlie Toffee and Mighty Mos Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Feb 2018
Dougie and Buddy Fudge and Charlie Toffee and Mighty Mo’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Feb 2018
Alfie and Florence Bandit and Heidi Colonel and Evas Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Feb 2018
Alfie and Florence Bandit and Heidi Colonel and Eva’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Feb 2018
Hugo & Arthurs Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Feb 2018
Hugo & Arthur’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Feb 2018
Crunchie Malteser and Fluffys Feb 2018 latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Crunchie, Malteser and Fluffy’s Feb 2018 latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Mouse and Pants February 2018 Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Mouse and Pants February 2018 Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Milk & Coffee’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Milk & Coffee’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Mouse & Pants Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Mouse & Pants Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Clover & Blackie’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Clover & Blackie’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Crunchie Malty and Fluffy’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Crunchie Malty and Fluffy’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Candyfloss and Scruff Bag’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Candyfloss and Scruff Bag’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Sazuke and Sherlock’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Sazuke and Sherlock’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Cinnamon and Pixie’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Cinnamon and Pixie’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Peanut and Pistachio’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Peanut and Pistachio’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Gordon & Gillespie’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Gordon & Gillespie’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Biscuit pancakes, Harley quinn, Jack sparrows latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Biscuit pancakes, Harley quinn, Jack sparrows latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Fudge, pickle and marbles latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Fudge, pickle and marble’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Dougie, Buddy, Fudge, Charlie, Toffee, Mighty Mo’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Dougie, Buddy, Fudge, Charlie, Toffee, Mighty Mo’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Sizewell and Heyshams latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Sizewell and Heysham’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Clover and Blackies latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Clover and Blackies latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Teddy and Flashs latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Teddy and Flash’s latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Marshmallow and Moonpies Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Marshmallow and Moonpie’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel.
Fuzz and Ralphs Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Fuzz and Ralph’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Usains Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Usain’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel (Get well soon as we had to look after him while his family were away giving him pain relief daily)
Mouse and Pants Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Mouse and Pant’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Butters and Huckleberry’s Latest Stay Guinea Pig Hotel
Butters and Huckleberry’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Buster’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Buster’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Daisy’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel.
Daisy’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Pants and Mouse’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Pants and Mouse’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Sasuke and Sherlock’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Sasuke and Sherlock’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Honey and Scruff’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Honey and Scruff’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Kevin & Keith’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel
Kevin & Keith’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.(SlideShow)
Millie and Lillie’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Millie & Lillie’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.(SlideShow)
Crunchie, Malteser and Fluffy’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Crunchie, Malteser and Fluffy’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel.(SlideShow)
Teddy and Flashs Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Teddy and Flash’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Salt & Peppers Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Salt & Peppers Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel.(Slide Show)
Sanchez & Sweetie Honey Little Biscuit Bears Latest Stay Guinea Pig Hotel
Sanchez & Sweetie Honey Little Biscuit Bears Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel.(SlideShow)
Hamilton and Dashs Latest Stay Guinea Pig Hotel
Hamilton and Dash’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel. (SlideShow)
Protected: Daisy and Lolas Latest Stay Guinea Pig Hotel
Blackie and Clovers Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Blackie and Clovers Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Buddy, Duggie, Fudge, Charlie, Little Mo & Toffees Latest Stay Guinea Pig Hotel
Buddy, Duggie, Fudge, Charlie, Little Mo & Toffees Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Protected: Ginger Ninja and Nibbles Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel (SlideShow)
Ralph and Fuzz Latest Stay with Guinea Pig Hotel(Slideshow)
Fuzz and Ralph’s Latest Stay with Guinea Pig Hotel (Slideshow).
Sasuke and Sherlocks Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Sasuke and Sherlock’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.(Slideshow) Permission given.
Millie and Lillies Latest stay with Guinea Pig Hotel July 2017
Millie and Lillie’s Latest stay with Guinea Pig Hotel July 2017.
Kevin and Keith’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel July 2017
Kevin and Keith’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel July 2017.
Marble Fudge and Pickle’s Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Marble Fudge and Pickle’s Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.(Slideshow Thank you for permission to show to everyone)
Kevin and Keith’s Latest stay at Guinea Pig Hotel Slideshow
Kevin and Keith’s Latest stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel Slideshow.
Harriet & Florence Latest Stay at Guinea Pig Hotel
Harriet & Florence Latest Stay at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Guinea Pig Hotel Little Brother Live Streaming
Bramble Izzy and Doras latest stay slideshow
Bramble Izzy and Dora’s latest stay slideshow.
Pants and Mouses Latest Stay
Pants and Mouse’s Latest Stay. (thank you to family permission for public to see)
Florence and Harriets Latest Stay
Florence and Harriet’s Latest Stay.
Kevin and Keith’s latest stay SlideShow
Kevin and Keith’s latest stay SlideShow.
Kevin and Keith nibbling
Kevin and Keith having a nibble in their outside hutch at the Guinea Pig Hotel.
Millie and Lillies latest stay with us slideshow
Millie and Lillies latest stay with us slideshow. (Thank you Millie & Lillie’s family for permission)
Coffee eager to get in out of the garden
Coffee eager to get in out of the garden.
Busters stay slideshow
Some moments from Busters latest stay with us slideshow. (Thank you Busters family for permission)
Tubs just give me the grub
Tubs says just give me the grub
Do not disturb
When you forget to put do not disturb on your hotel door!
Tubs News and Breakfast
Tubs listening to the news while having breakfast
Tubs Munch
Tub munching for a change NOT!
Feeding time
Feeding time at the zoo
Kevin & Keith’s Latest Stay Web Pics
New arrivals in The Little Brother House Kevin & Keith’s Latest Stay slideshow. With thanks to their family for kind permission.
Tubs Cam SlideShow 7
Tubs Cam SlideShow 7
Tubs Cam SlideShow 6
Tubs Cam SlideShow 6
Tubs Cam Slideshow 5
Tubs Cam Slideshow 5
Tubs Cam Slide Show 4
Tubs Cam Slide Show 4
Tums Cam Shots 3
Tums Cam Shots 3
Tubs “I Don’t Want It”
Tubs “I Don’t Want It, You Eat It”
Blaze “You Can Not See Me”
Blaze “You Can Not See Me ish”
Nibbles I Didn’t Do It
Nibbles I Didn’t Do It

Nibbles “Just because I am in front of it doesn’t mean I turned it over!”

Blaze “She did”
Tubs Afternoon Snooze
Tubs Afternoon Snooze
I can speak danger in guinea pig squeak
I can speak danger in guinea pig squeak call me the guinea pig whisperer
Tubs I’m On The Edge But A Chin Tickle Can Bring Me Round
Tubs I’m On The Edge But A Chin Tickle Can Bring Me Round
Food or Bed?
Pickles undecided on bed or food!
Tubs Don’t Bite The Hand That Feeds You
Tubs having a chin tickle then thinks about finger nibbles
Tubs CCTV Shots Take 2
Tubs doing what Tubs does best
Tubs CCTV Shots
A few of Tubs CCTV shots
Pickles Camouflaged
Pickles as one with his surroundings
Tubs Selfservice
Tubs helping him self to food
Pickles Why Are You In My Bedroom?
Pickles thinking why are you in my bedroom?
Tubs CCTV First Pics
Tubs CCTV first pics in his posing state
Tubs Loudly Eating
Tubs loudly eating celery
Tubs On The Edge
Tubs On The Edge of his cadge wanting grub just for a change
New Accommodation Up to Eight Guinea Pigs Sharing
We have new accommodation up to eight Guinea Pigs sharing
Yes we have a new addition to our accommodation a new deluxe hutch that can hold up to 8 wiggles in luxury a three floor mansion for wiggles.
Pickles Chin or Food?
Pickles Chin or Food? bit like Daddy or chips and he picks chin tickle good boy
Tubs Likes Leaves
Tubs Likes Most Leaves Bless!
Pickles Not Sure
Pickles not quit sure if he likes or not!
Tubs making room
Tubs making it fit in his room
Tubs not liking my guinea pig squeak
Tubs not liking my guinea pig squeak but like the dandelion x
Guinea Pig Hotel New CCTV
We Have New CCTV At The Guinea Pig Hotel
Tubs doing his exercise for the day ahead, on the guest rooms we now can offer CCTV (Big Brother is watching you) so you can keep an eye on your wiggles on your phone or tablet with a free app for peace of mind and capture some fun stuff.
Tubs Lower Hutch##20170321##100948
Tubs Breakfast
Tubs Enjoying Breakfast
Pickles Breakfast
Pickles Enjoying Breakfast
Clean Guinea Pigs
Guinea Pig Factfile
Guinea pig factfile
Guinea pig factfile, G. pigs, or ‘cavies’, are social animals with a compact, rounded body shape, short legs and no tail.
They originate from the grasslands and lower slopes of the Andes Mountains in South America. Why not view our full Guinea pig factfile (PDF 44KB).
They are active
- Guinea’s are active up to 20 hours per day and sleep only for short periods.
Are highly social
- Guinea pigs are social animals and in the wild, live in close family groups of 5 to 10 individuals.
- Several groups may live in close proximity that form a colony.
High fibre diet
- Guinea pigs in their diet needs plenty of vitamin C, as they lack the enzyme needed to synthesise vitamin C and can only store vitamin C for short periods.
Guinea Pigs Needs Unraveled
Understanding Guinea Pigs needs
There is no one “perfect” way to care for all guinea pigs because every pig and every situation is different. It is up to you how you look after your pig, but you must take reasonable steps to ensure that you meet all their needs.
Read our expert reviewed pet care information to find out more about the needs of guineas: Environment, Diet, Behaviour, Company and Health and welfare.
You can also download our booklet: How to take care of your guinea pigs (PDF 1.38MB)
Guinea Pig Duty To Care
Your guinea pig duty to care
Owning and caring for a guinea pig can be very rewarding, but you do have a guinea pig duty to care and it is a big responsibility and a long-term commitment in terms of care and finances.
If you own or are responsible for a guinea pig, even on a temporary basis, you are required under the Animal Welfare Act below to care for them properly.
Animal Welfare Act
Guinea Pig Duty To Care, Prior to the Animal Welfare Act, animal welfare law was largely reactive and action could only be taken once an animal had suffered unnecessarily.
The 2006 Act has introduced an important and new concept for pet owners and those responsible for domestic animals, e.g. breeders, those who have working animals or farm animals in England and Wales.
Preventing animals suffering
This means enforcement agencies and our inspectors can now act by advising and educating owners before their pets suffer.
If this advice is not followed or the animal’s needs are not being met then action can be taken whether through a formal warning or in some cases a prosecution.
What does the law actually say?
Guinea Pig Duty To Care, Section 9 of the Animal Welfare Act places a duty of care on people to ensure they take reasonable steps in all the circumstances to meet the welfare needs of their animals to the extent required by good practice.
What does this mean for those responsible for animals?
In short it means they must take positive steps to ensure they care for their animals properly and in particular must provide for the five welfare needs, which are:
- need for a suitable environment
- their need for a suitable diet
- to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
- be housed with, or apart, from other animals
- need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
Find out what your pet needs in advice and welfare pages.
Further information
Further information about what this means in practice can be found in specific Codes of Practice produced by Defra (for England) and by the Welsh Government.
Guinea Pig Fact
Need to know guinea pig fact
Guinea pig fact, they are small, sociable, ‘chatty’ rodents. There are different breeds and varieties, with a wide variety of colour and coat lengths.
They are traditionally thought of as good first pets for children, but it should always be an adult that takes responsibility to ensure they are properly handled and cared for.
Typically they live for 5-6 years, but some may live longer. Guinea pigs have specific dietary and housing needs. That was our guinea pig fact for today.